Best Bib N Tucker CIC are delighted to announce that today we received some great news!We have been very fortunate to have been awarded £150.000 funding from The Big Lottery Community Fund. This funding will allow us to continue our work in the Community of Oxgangs, Firrhill and the local area in Edinburgh for the Read more about Amazing Award from THE BIG LOTTERY COMMUNITY FUND[…]

“Keeping Healthy with Mary”

Mary, our Health and Well being Co-ordinator has been in full swing since taking up her post. She has come up with a most interesting program of events and workshops for us to enjoy, through discussion with our participants. So far we have been learning about aromatherapy, and the benefits to our health; creating environmentally Read more about “Keeping Healthy with Mary”[…]

Temporary Post Vacancy

Best Bib N Tucker CIC Temporary Position Available: Health and Well Being Co-ordinator We are looking to recruit an enthusiastic and experienced person to co-ordinate our Health and Well being Service. The successful candidate would be expected to plan, develop, implement and evaluate an array of activities. These will help participants gain a better knowledge Read more about Temporary Post Vacancy[…]

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